Li Zhang

Tenure-track Professor
School of Data Science, Fudan University

email / google scholar

I am a tenure-track Professor at the School of Data Science, Fudan University. Previously, I was a Research Scientist at Samsung AI Center Cambridge, and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, under the supervision of professor Philip H.S. Torr and professor Andrew Zisserman. Prior to joining Oxford, I read my PhD in computer science under the supervision of professor Tao Xiang at Queen Mary University of London.

My general research interests cover the broad area of machine learning and artificial intelligence, with special emphasis on building intelligent systems for autonomous driving and generalist embodied agent.

To Prospective Students

If you are highly creative, have top grades/coding skill and interested in joining my group please do not hesitate to send me your CV and transcripts of grades.
Make sure you are super enthusiastic about AI research.


  • Three papers to appear in ECCV 2024.
  • Our work SETR is accepted by IJCV.
  • One paper to appear in IROS 2024 as oral presentation.
  • Two papers are accepted by IEEE RAL.
  • I will be serving as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.
  • Our work SOFT is accepted by IJCV.
  • Three papers to appear in ICLR 2024.
  • Appointed as Associate Editor (AE) for Pattern Recognition.
  • Two papers (1 Oral and 1 Poster) to appear in AAAI 2024.
  • Two papers (1 Oral and 1 Poster) to appear in ICCV 2023.
  • I will be serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024.
  • One paper to appear in IROS 2023.
  • One paper is accepted by Machine Vision and Applications.
  • I will be serving as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023.
  • Two papers (1 Highlight and 1 Poster) to appear in CVPR 2023.
  • Two papers to appear in ICLR 2023.
  • Call for papers! We are orgnising a CVPR 2023 workshop on End-to-End Autonomous Driving: Perception, Prediction, Planning and Simulation.
  • One paper (Oral) to appear in AAAI 2023.
  • I will be serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2023.
  • I will be talking at CCAI 2022 and PRCV 2022.
  • One paper (Spotlight) to appear in NeurIPS 2022.
  • Our work DGMN is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
  • Four papers to appear in ECCV 2022.
  • Our DeepInteraction is ranked 1st at the nuScenes 3D detection leaderboard.
  • Our work SiamMask is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
  • One paper to appear in CVPR 2022.
  • Our work SETR is ranked second at the most influential CVPR papers.
  • Two papers (1 Spotlight and 1 Poster) to appear in NeurIPS 2021.

  • Preprint